

It can be hard to tell if you have thyroid issues because many signs are similar to other conditions.

There are a number of conditions that can affect your thyroid 和 they produce different symptoms. Adding to the confusion is that many symptoms of thyroid issues can mimic other health problems. You also may not have any noticeable symptoms, especially at first. All of this makes it hard to know when something is wrong with this gl和 that plays a major role in your metabolism.

Thyroid conditions are relatively common, but they're also usually treatable. That's why it's helpful to know the signs indicating there may be something wrong with your thyroid. If you notice these symptoms, see a doctor. A simple blood test can measure your thyroid hormone levels, which is often the best indicator of whether or not you have a thyroid problem.

Here are two of the most common thyroid conditions—和 possible signs that you may have them:


Also referred to as an underactive thyroid, this condition means your thyroid is not making enough hormones to meet your body's needs. It causes your metabolism to slow down 和 symptoms may include:

  • 不明原因的体重增加
  • 对寒冷的敏感性
  • 心率慢
  • 乏力
  • 抑郁或焦虑
  • 便秘
  • Muscle aches, weakness or stiffness
  • 干燥的皮肤
  • 稀疏的头发
  • Irregular or heavy menstrual periods


When your thyroid secretes more hormones than it should, causing your metabolism to speed up, it is referred to as an overactive thyroid. 症状可能包括:

  • 意外减肥
  • 对热的敏感性
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat, palpitations
  • 疲劳、睡眠困难
  • 焦虑或易怒
  • 更频繁的排便
  • 增加食欲
  • 出汗
  • 细而脆的头发
  • 月经模式的改变


Two other conditions that may affect your thyroid are goiter 和 thyroid cancer.

A goiter is when your thyroid gl和 grows larger than it should be. This most commonly occurs when you don't get enough iodine in your diet, which is needed to make thyroid hormones. This doesn't happen often in the U.S. 由于使用了加碘盐. Goiters may also be caused by changes in thyroid function or factors that affect thyroid growth. The only symptom of goiters is a swelling at the base of the neck.

A swelling or lump in your neck may also be a sign of thyroid cancer. Other symptoms may include difficulty swallowing, changes to your voice (hoarseness) or pain in your neck 和 throat. Thyroid cancer typically doesn't cause any symptoms early in the disease, 然而. If found early enough, most thyroid cancers can be cured.

If you notice a change in the base of the neck, it is important to be seen by a doctor. Examination of the neck 和 ultrasound imaging can be done to diagnose any potential problems with your thyroid.


照顾成人和儿童, Guthrie 内分泌学 specializes in treating disorders of the endocrine system which regulates your mood, 成长与发展, 组织功能, 和新陈代谢, as well as sexual function 和 reproductive processes. 


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Date Last Reviewed: November 18, 2022

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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