神话与. Facts: How Do Summer Temps Affect Your Heart?

How Do Summer Temps Affect Your Heart?

Find out more about your heart's role in keeping your body cool.

Many people find it difficult to tolerate summer heat, when temperatures 和 humidity start to soar. 但如果你有心脏病, you may find it harder than most to h和le the heat or to cool down when the air gets hot 和 steamy. That's because your heart plays a part in helping your body keep cool – 和 when temperatures rise, 你的心脏必须更加努力地工作.

如果你有心血管疾病, it's important to take precautions during the summer so your body doesn't overheat. Otherwise you risk experiencing heat exhaustion or even heat stroke, 这是一种非常严重的情况. Although anyone can experience these conditions when it's hot, people with heart disease are at greater risk.

Below are some myths 和 facts that can help you learn more about the connection between your heart health 和 your ability to h和le summer heat.


If you have heart disease, it's harder for your body to cool down.

  • 事实: People with weakened hearts may not respond to the heat as well as people with healthy hearts. Narrowed arteries can limit blood flow to the skin 和 a damaged heart may not pump enough blood to effectively transfer heat from your body. 当外面热的时候, your heart may need to circulate 2 - 4 times as much blood a minute as it does on a cool day.

Some heart medications can affect how your body responds to the heat.

  • 事实: 受体阻滞剂等药物, Ace受体抑制剂, calcium channel blockers 和 diuretics may make your body more sensitive to heat. Some lower your hydration level or slow your heart rate, which reduces how quickly your heart can circulate blood. 如果你服用这些药物, 有心脏问题, 超重或超过50岁, you may need to take special precautions when temps soar.

If you feel dizzy when it's hot outside, it may be due to your heart.

  • 事实: Your heart has to increase the amount of blood flowing to your skin when it's hot to keep your body cooler. Additionally, you lose sodium 和 potassium in addition to water when you sweat. This combination may lower your blood pressure quickly which can cause dizziness.

As long as your skin feels cool 和 moist, you don't have to worry about the heat.

  • 神话: Heat exhaustion 和 heat stroke are greater risks for people with heart disease. One sign of heat exhaustion is cool, moist skin. Others include headaches, light-headedness, weakness, nausea, vomiting 和 dark urine. If you notice any of these symptoms while you're exercising or spending time outside on a hot day, stop what you're doing 和 move to a cooler place. Drink water 和 use cool compresses to cool down your body.


If you are concerned about your heart health this summer, contact Guthrie’s Cardiac 和 Vascular Center. We have the region’s most experienced cardiovascular team who are welcoming patients across Guthrie’s coverage area.

From routine check-ups to post-surgery cardiac rehab, Guthrie’s heart team can make sure your heart is its healthiest this summer. To schedule an appointment, call 866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743) or 点击这里.

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医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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